Most Frightening Non-traditional threats to Pakistan

Most Frightening Non-traditional threats to Pakistan

In current circumstances, Pakistan has been facing several nontraditional threats. Pakistan is facing the most frightening issues like the economic crisis, climate change, food insecurity, huge unemployment, etc.

Moreover, many international organizations have highlighted these issues with severe consequences. As a matter of fact, Pakistan has to address these issues on an emergency basis; otherwise, the sphere of loss will exponentially increase.

According to the “ADB and World Bank,” Pakistan is facing $3.8 billion in annual economic losses.

Inform Risk Index: In 2020, Pakistan globally ranked 18/191 in the highest disaster risk level.

Global Climate Risk Index: A German think tank revealed that Pakistan was on the list of countries more vulnerable to climate change on September 8. Extreme weather events, heavy rainfalls, etc. Smog, in 2018 at 65 (heatwaves) people, in 2015 at 1200 people.

The water crisis in Pakistan: Water is a basic need for every living thing. Without this, countries cannot survive. The countries, facing a water crisis, are unable to meet their needs adequately.
According to the IMF (International Monetary Fund), Pakistan is in 3rd place among countries facing acute water scarcity.

The availability of fresh water per capita has fallen to 1000 cubic meters, compared to 3950cm in 1961 and 1600 cm in 1991. “The biggest danger to Pakistan’s viability as a state and a civilization was its water problems.

“Pakistan’s water security is at a critical point that requires immediate attention and reform.” Director, World Bank.

Food insecurity in Pakistan: Due to low earnings and agricultural neglect, According to the “Pakistan Social and Living Measurement,” 16.4/100 households have moderate to severe food insecurity, according to the World Food Program 2018, 36.9% of the population faces food insecurity, and 82% of children are deprived of the minimum number of meals daily.

According to the International Food Security Assessment 2021–31 by the US, 38.1% of the population is the food-increasing population in Pakistan (about 90.7 million). Baluchistan and Sindh are the most vulnerable to food insecurity (Global Hunger Index 2020, 88/107).

According to “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World Report 2020, 12.3%, or 26 million, are unnourished or food insecure.

Health issues and infectious diseases

Covid-19        Hepatitis       HIV/AIDS     Polio     Dengue     Typhoid

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), Pakistan ranked 122/190 in quality of health care standards. Pakistan and Afghanistan are the only two remaining countries with polio disease.

Population Explosion: According to the latest census, 220 million, “World Population Date Sheet” released by the US Population Reference Bureau, Pakistan’s growth rate is 3.6, which will double the population in 19.4 years.

Bangladesh = 2.3            China = 1.5

Pakistan has the 6th largest population and the 36th largest country by area.

Unemployed youth bulk: 63% of the population below 30 years old, 6.65 million unemployed in 2020–21, 5.8 million in 2019–20, and 11.65% unemployed in 20–24 years old. According to ILO 2020, the unemployment rate is 9.56%; unemployed youth are a ticking bomb.

Economic Crisis: ADB = GDP Growth of Pakistan in 2021 = 20%. Power Division = circular debt in 2021 = 2.327 T. Foreign Aid: KSA, UAE, etc. (power of Pakistan not to go for the Kalampur Summit in Malaysia). Foreign Debt = IMF (pressurize in policy making)
The digital world and cyber-attacks: In 2020, the Pakistani army identified a major cyberattack by India targeting the mobile phones of government and military officials.


PEGASUS Project: Israel developed spyware that is widely exploited against high-profile targets. According to the report, this also targeted the current PM of Pakistan Imran Khan.

Un-regularized social media as a weapon of mass deception:

Terrorism, extremism, hate speeches, fake news, incitement to violence, and national security EU 2020 report, Over 750 India-backed spreads in around 119 countries have been operating to undermine Pakistan since 2015.

Fake news on “Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, etc.”

Non-state actors like TTP: The Global Terrorism Index 2020 is 7th, right after Afghanistan. NACTA report 2020: 350 deaths in 2020. South Asia terrorism portal: 319 terrorism incidents. Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA): Destabilizing Baluchistan and extremist and militant groups. $126.79 billion is the cost of terrorism; 70,000 lives are lost to terrorism.

Transnational organized crimes: Money Laundering and Terror Financing: FATF (put Pakistan in the gray list). Drug smuggling: youth at risk (smuggling $3.3 billion loss, only 5% comedies seized)