Russia-Ukraine war: A threat to International Security

Russia-Ukraine war
Russia-Ukraine war


Russian forces raided Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Russia’s access to the warfare caught most European governments and civilians off guard, despite the fact that the USA had warned of an attack weeks before the irruption. Following widespread condemnation of the aggression, Ukraine received substantial political, military, and moral support. Political tensions and wars between nations erupted rapidly. Russia-Ukraine war

Political leaders and observers have emphasized the gravity of the situation in Ukraine. They said that Russia’s conduct constituted an open breach of the UN Charter’s ban on the threat or use of force. They argued that the invasion would cause the European security system to collapse. As a result, Europe and the democracies would face a formidable adversary who would strive to overthrow the current liberal international order. Therefore, it is imperative that governments and their people priorities national security. Maintaining the use of military force was now necessary to ensure future safety.

The actions taken by states since the war’s beginning have been remarkable. Numerous countries have imposed severe sanctions on Russia, including the USA, the ECU Union, and others. Many nations have pledged to dramatically improve their protection budgets, while others have helped Ukraine with big palm shipments. People have publicly raised the idea of excluding Russia from the United Nations and the Council of Europe.

Still, the conflict itself has had greater immediate impacts on global security and stability. States’ purposeful use of historical narratives, rhetoric, and information has altered citizens’ interpretation of the events, leading to uncertainty and insecurity. Fear of nuclear war is only one of the many powerful feelings this has sparked among political leaders and civilians. Russia-Ukraine war

Hacking and other cyber activities have added new layers of complexity to military operations. It has also become apparent that space companies like SpaceX and private satellite images may play crucial roles for both militaristic and neutral regimes. The war’s non-military consequences include massive refugee movements and expanded opportunities for transnational organized crime. Political tensions have led to a breakdown in communication on diplomatic topics not directly related to the conflict.

This is a brief overview of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine 

Before the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991, Ukraine turned into one of its constituent democracies. In 1991, Ukraine declared its independence from the Soviet Union, and since then, Russia has endeavored to maintain the area within its sphere of influence.

The battle between Russia and Ukraine escalated in 2013 and 2014 because of Kiev’s near courtship with the ECU Union. Overdue in 2013, President Yanukovych caved to stress from his Moscow-based backers and abandoned efforts to create an economic partnership with the ECU Union. Simultaneously, Russia was actively advocating for Ukraine’s membership in the yet-to-be-established EAEU. Many Ukrainians saw Yanukovych’s decision as a betrayal, sparking nationwide protests known as Euromaidan due to the government’s alleged corruption and incompetence. Russia-Ukraine war

Putin described the subsequent chaos in Euromaidan, which ousted Yanukovych, as a “fascist coup” supported by the West that threatened the Russian majority in Crimea. (Western officials brushed this off as Soviet-era-style propaganda.) To counter this, Putin secretly invaded Crimea in what he called a “rescue operation.” Everything has its limits. Putin formally announced the annexation of Crimea and the entirety of eastern Ukraine in an address in March 2014. Russia-Ukraine war

Putin used a very similar line of reasoning to defend his backing for rebels in the southeast of Ukraine, another territory with a sizable Russian-speaking population. Using a word from Russian imperial rule in the eighteenth century, he famously referred to the region as Novorossiya (New Russia). It is believed that armed Russian provocateurs, including some operatives of Russian security agencies, stoked the anti-Euromaidan secessionist forces in the region into a revolt. Until 2022, while Russia launched an all-out invasion of Ukraine, it maintained a public denial of participation in the struggle in the Donbas.

Russia wanted Ukraine to enroll in the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC), a free alternate place that came into existence in 2015, because of Ukraine’s monetary importance. Due to its large consumer market and technologically proficient agricultural and industrial production, we expected Ukraine to play a significant role. Nonetheless, Ukraine declined to sign on. Russia-Ukraine war

Further, Russia has claimed that the “enlargement” of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to the east has jeopardized Russia’s interests and has requested explicit security guarantees from NATO. To oppose Russia’s intercontinental missiles, NATO, backed by the United States, has planned to construct missile defense systems in Eastern Europe in countries like Poland and the Czech Republic. Russia-Ukraine war

Theoretical Perspective  Russia-Ukraine war

Studying international relations aims to assist policymakers in making more informed decisions about state behavior. The question of what sparked this conflict serves as just one example. Some would argue that this is because Vladimir Putin is a very irrational actor who launched a military invasion of Ukraine on the basis of a distorted imperial dream that denies the countries own legitimacy. Some could argue that we should have seen this coming, as Russia is a revisionist power that is unhappy with the status quo of European security and is responding to NATO’s relentless advance towards its borders since the end of the Cold War. Russia-Ukraine war

These responses are reminiscent of the more established and well-known theoretical frameworks in international relations, including liberalism, constructivism, and realism. A liberal argument posits that initiating a war of this scale is so counterproductive that it can only stem from an irrational or highly ill-advised decision, given that international institutions safeguard our global order by fostering cooperation among states and our highly interdependent world. As a result, it can only partially explain Russian behavior.

When it comes to international relations (IR), constructivism provides an alternative approach that emphasizes the importance of ideational rather than material variables. This approach enables a comprehensive understanding by illuminating the root cause of Russia’s seemingly irrational desire to attack Ukraine. Many often attribute Russia’s increasingly aggressive behavior to a “renewed experience of confidence and recovery from the humiliation it felt in the aftermath of the bloodless struggle.” However, it’s important to note that this conflict also encompasses significant material components.

When looking to realism for an explanation of state behaviour, we discover a practical, albeit gloomy, perspective on international politics. Taking this view, a state’s primary objective is to stay in existence. As a result, the default mode of international relations is based on power politics among nations’ domains of influence. As a result, realists are not shocked by the present events in Ukraine. They see this as the embodiment of the age-old “security dilemma,” in which one state takes measures to bolster its own defenses in response to perceived threats from other governments in the region. Russia-Ukraine war

In this view, the international liberal order of the last three decades was a temporary hiatus from the usual dynamics of interactions among nations, and we are now reverting to the status quo. For this reason, prominent neorealist John Mearsheimer argued as early as 2014 that US backing for Ukraine was irrational and a distraction from China, which should continue to be the top priority for US national security.
Russia-Ukraine war
This quick summary suggests that realism is the most appropriate framework within which to understand the current geopolitical scenario surrounding the crisis in Ukraine. The EU’s somewhat reactive efforts since February 24, 2022, are just one illustration of how the Russian invasion served as a wake-up call for member states that had forgotten the value of power politics. Furthermore, according to recent claims by Stephan Walt, the conflict in Ukraine has provided support for realism while disproving other explanations. He refers to liberals and constructivists, who have been on the back foot since the conflict began and are now seeking to bolster their arguments by adding new ones.

Complicated global politics by providing us with a conceptual framework that enhances our understanding and, to some extent, predicts events more accurately. Some hypotheses may emerge as more important than others as time goes on. However, we must handle such triumphalist realist assertions about Ukraine with caution, not just because conventional wisdom suggests it’s too early to make a decision. Instead, we must make a counterintuitive effort to challenge the apparent in order to avoid superficial analysis.

Threats to International Security:

The geopolitical backdrop

A series of crises has rocked the globe over the past fifteen years. Over the past fifteen years, a series of crises have rocked the globe, including the economic and food rate crises in 2007–2008, the meal charge crisis in 2010–2011, the ‘Arab Spring’ famous uprisings, where soaring food prices played a significant role, the Syrian civil war, increased migration and growing populations of displaced peoples, the rise of populism, exemplified by Donald Trump’s election as US president in 2016, significant trade disruptions, including the United States-China exchange “struggle”, and the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union Throughout this period, there has been a weakening of multilateral tactics, inadequacies in political leadership, and a decline in global cohesion. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was a flagrant violation of international regulation, signaling the resumption of kingdom-on-country battles with Europe for the first time since 1945.

The current worldwide economic crisis presents new difficulties. While Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, it signaled the return of nation-on-kingdom combat—something Europe hadn’t seen since 1945. It also showed that the Russian leadership had little regard for international law. The immediate consequence, from a security standpoint, has been to increase Western nations’ commitment to multilateral organizations, particularly NATO and the EU, despite the suffering of the Ukrainian populace.

Effective conventional and nuclear deterrence supplied by robust capability and size defense forces is necessary to prevent future aggression and respond to the increased danger to NATO and EU members that border Russia.

There have been long-standing requests (most notably from France) for the creation of a pan-European defense force to discourage future aggression on the part of Putin or other leaders with similar objectives, and Germany has already vowed to spend €100 billion of its 2022 budget on national defense. NATO and the EU must clearly demonstrate their readiness to deploy these forces if they become necessary. While it would be ideal if all NATO and EU countries made such a promise, there are indications that determination is eroding in certain areas. For example, the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer was reportedly rejecting calls for more defense expenditure at the end of March.

Economic Insecurity

The war has serious repercussions for worldwide security and may also alter global commerce patterns. Nobody can predict the implementation of additional restrictions or the repeal of the current round of sanctions against Russia. Russia or other nations may attempt to implement counter-sanctions or export restrictions if they feel the sanctions on Russia are jeopardizing their interests. China, for example, has vowed to do just that.

Even if the conflict were to end today, it would significantly disrupt the flow of Russian products into global markets. The conflict and the responses it has prompted among governments and industry worldwide have the potential to prompt significant reconfigurations in markets to which Russia has to date been a major supplier, namely, energy, food, and fertilizers. This is especially true as unity within the Euro-Atlantic community strengthens, and China appears likely to align more closely with Russia.

The conflict in Ukraine threatens to exacerbate food and energy poverty, adding to human insecurity and contributing to societal discontent against the backdrop of an existing cost of living crisis. Russia-Ukraine war

Increasing food and energy insecurity, coupled with the existing cost-of-living problem, might set off labour conflicts, economic contraction, social and civic unrest, and sovereign debt crises, all of which threaten global stability. The food and energy industries aren’t the only ones that stand to lose to these dangers.

Cost of living pressures are already high, and the Ukraine conflict has the potential to make matters far worse. In a time when governments around the world are cutting down on social safety nets and governments in Europe are seeking to raise expenditures on defense and national security, unprecedented price spikes for food, gasoline, and other critical products bode disaster for communities everywhere. Families and individuals who cannot afford the increased prices will have to make some very difficult choices.

FAO estimates that between 7.6 and 13.1 million more people would be undernourished throughout the world as a direct result of the disaster in Ukraine and its knock-on effects on food prices and availability. Due to the high price of fertiliser, farmers may choose not to plant this season or plant without essential vitamins, further exacerbating the issue of excessive food costs. The depletion of strategic reserves at both household and national levels due to this year’s poor harvest yields may result in reduced availability in the following harvest season. (Benton)

Due to the “sticky” nature of price transmission from foreign markets, local food prices may remain excessive even as their worldwide counterparts decline, posing a long-term threat to household food security. Countries that heavily rely on food imports are more vulnerable to prolonged worldwide price instability, as they typically meet their local needs through imports. Russia-Ukraine war

In developing countries, where a larger portion of the population must already devote a larger portion of their income to fuel, a rise in energy prices can have devastating effects. As the wealthy stock up in anticipation of higher costs, this trend may exacerbate existing scarcity. Russia-Ukraine war

Analysis  Russia-Ukraine war

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggressiveness towards Ukraine has raised many questions about the future stability of Europe and the international order. The Russian incursion poses a serious threat to global order and the protection of international law. The Russian Federation has broken its promise to respect Ukrainian independence, sovereignty, and border integrity, as stated in the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. Inaction in the face of Russian aggression is both appeasement and a green light for Moscow to continue undermining international order. As a result, the international community must act to rein in Russia’s erratic foreign policy and preserve world stability.

Russia’s victory in this attack would constitute an end to international stability since it would result in the full or partial annexation of Ukraine. Any kind of victory for Russia, whether real or imagined, will be interpreted as a show of world weakness and a green light for further aggression. Although the swift and broad implementation of sanctions against Russia is promising, they remain insufficient and Russia now tolerates them. Only fully unconditional sanctions, especially on energy exports, would demonstrate the required international determination. Russia-Ukraine war

If the top Chinese leadership may feel encouraged to attack Taiwan if they believe Russia has been successful in Ukraine. It is possible that other totalitarian governments, like North Korea’s and Iran’s, may use this situation to their advantage and sow discord in the area.

Successful aggression in Ukraine and Taiwan will not lead to another Cold War, but it may lead to the extremely unstable great power dynamics that preceded and precipitated both World Wars. Russia-Ukraine war

The war in Ukraine threatens Europe’s peace and safety. Europe’s energy dependency on Russia and its vulnerability to economic warfare paralyze the continent, preventing it from taking decisive action. In light of this, the United States must reconsider its energy export strategies. If European nations don’t diversify their energy sources, they’ll always be at Russia’s whim politically. 6 Despite NATO’s reputation for collective defense, neither Russia nor the alliance is likely to risk a full-scale war with Ukraine over the issue. Therefore, the boundary between Russia, NATO, and western Ukraine will not change.

Russia and China, working together, will erode free world determination as long as sanctions and conflict persist. The most blatant Russian ploys are economic coercion and cyberwarfare against nations backing Ukraine. Espionage, compromise, blackmail, misinformation, political agitation, and sabotage are all forms of subversion with the same goal in mind: to spread chaos, break down resistance, and destabilize an organization. The NATO alliance must actively resist the Russian and Chinese strategies.

The costs of Russia’s aggressive war must be high. Russia’s diplomatic isolation should last until all Russian armed forces have left all of Ukrainian territory, including Crimea. The International Court of Justice and other institutions should pursue legal actions against Russian leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity. However, defeating and replacing Russian leaders will likely be necessary to bring them to justice. The UN’s continued condemnation of Russian aggression is a testament to the values upheld by the international community. Gunboat diplomacy is unacceptable, and the international community needs to make it clear.

Conclusion  Russia-Ukraine war

The situation in Ukraine, as a flashpoint for European and international stability, is critical. It has not only weakened support for a continued peaceful and cooperative international system, but it has also rekindled the Cold War paradigm of suspicion. Because of zero-sum classical realism and the idea of the emotionality of states, the dramatic rise in the influence of narrow national security concerns and the geopolitical goals of individual states has starkly reminded us that these factors will always take precedence over global peace and security. The international system is so disorganized, competitive, and contentious because of things like applied history, strategic culture, and the revisiting of past grievances. Russia-Ukraine war

The escalating economic and financial conflict between the two opposed blocs will only make matters worse, heightening tensions and undermining trust. The Ukrainian crisis will have negative effects on international debt, as well as continued energy and food problems, which will further contribute to the polarization of the international system. The only way forward is to abandon antiquated zero-sum approaches in favour of more rational, collective, and sustainable methods like “symbiotic realist paradigms” and “ulti-sum security principles,” which guarantee absolute gains through non-conflictive competition and bring national interests into harmony with global interests.